
Effective Debugging Techniques for 软件开发


Effective Debugging Techniques for 软件开发

While every software developer has loft expectations when creating the perfect product at the initial attempt, the most likely scenario will typically involve some issues that require adjustments. 找出什么可行,什么不可行,什么应该可行...




The term artificial intelligence or AI has been batted around lately in our everyday language. While some may think this harkens to a science fiction movie starring robots who learn to think for themselves, 在电子商务领域,人工智能意味着这一点...




Just as business owners have learned to navigate the intricacies of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, new options appear on the scene to shake up the online establishment. The constant barrage of innovations should be expected and even...




Many companies use a combination of their websites and 移动应用程序 to create multi-platform accessibility, attract new consumers to their brand and retain the loyalty of current customers. Online shoppers want and expect their efforts to be fast and...




Studio Bank member Debby Sapp has built her career on helping others build their businesses. Debby started in finance and has worked with some of 音乐 City's legends, 包括艾伦·杰克逊, 乔治。琼斯, 李·格林伍德. 如今,她是合伙人...

Establishing Customer Trust: Tips to Drive Sales Through Better Client Relations


Establishing Customer Trust: Tips to Drive Sales Through Better Client Relations

The word trust encompasses a lot of the human experience. Trust often begins with our personal relationships but also includes how we connect to a business’s products and services. 今天的市场是巨大的,多样化的,充满了...




It can be difficult sometimes for any business owner to navigate the murky alphabet soup of digital marketing terms. 像搜索引擎优化这样的缩写词, 搜索引擎, and PPC have earned their rightful place in the lexicon that encompasses 搜索引擎优化 strategy, 但是任何经营...




Gone are the days when offering a quality product or service is enough to keep customers coming back for more. Marketplace competition is intense and without a targeted strategy that addresses both attracting new customers and keeping the old ones,...

好,坏, & 影响跳出率的主要因素


好,坏, & 影响跳出率的主要因素

清理干净,起飞,继续前进. 换句话说,赶快离开. There seem to be as many idioms for leaving as there are actual words because sometimes, 我们只要走就行了. But that is the one word that can drive business owners just a touch...

Google Play商店的强制安卓应用程序更新


Google Play商店的强制安卓应用程序更新

Like most things in the digital world, privacy and security standards for 移动应用程序 evolve. It should not be too surprising to learn that Google is making some major changes to its standards for 安卓 apps. 如果你有一个安卓应用...

锚文本:它们是什么? 它们是如何工作的? & 如何优化他们的搜索引擎优化


锚文本:它们是什么? 它们是如何工作的? & 如何优化他们的搜索引擎优化

Sometimes internet 搜索ing can feel like a trip down the proverbial rabbit hole of information. Or maybe it is more akin to being lured by that “shiny thing” only to be lured to the next shiny thing. 随便你怎么类比...




高级项目顾问, 格兰特•欧文斯, has been a vital member of the DevDigital family for many years now, 自2014年加入公司以来,担任多个职位.   Grant was initially brought on as a project manager due to...

What Makes DevDigital Unique to 其他 软件开发 Companies in Nashville?


What Makes DevDigital Unique to 其他 软件开发 Companies in Nashville?

Numerous tech companies in Nashville and the surrounding counties offer some of the services a business needs to get online and get noticed. What sets some companies apart from others is the ability to offer a full range of web development and...




Which database provides data for your applications and your company? 是MongoDB吗?? 如果不是, are you moving in that direction to capture the advantages of this flexible database that comes in both server and cloud versions? 作为企业软件...




在数字世界里, you have three basic options for delivering information, 娱乐, 营销信息:网站, 移动应用程序, 和渐进式web应用程序(pwa). That last option is currently the least common and probably the...




“让我们给他们一些电竞赛事竞猜APP合集的东西吧” It is no secret that link -building is not an easy task. In fact, it’s downright hard, especially without the help of digital marketing...

The Advantage of Combining 软件开发 and Digital Marketing


The Advantage of Combining 软件开发 and Digital Marketing

Creating software that succeeds in the digital marketplace requires more than good development. You want to launch a new cloud-based suite of services for human resource professionals. Maybe you have 安卓 and iOS apps that badly need updating....

Reasons You Need 社交媒体营销: Don’t Get Caught in 2023 Without It!


Reasons You Need 社交媒体营销: Don’t Get Caught in 2023 Without It!

毫无疑问, the business and retail worlds are undergoing rapid change, and it is up to each business to keep up with marketing trends or be left behind. In order to find new marketing and sales strategies, brands must adapt to the current...

Driving Sales 101: 电子商务 搜索引擎优化 Best Practices for Your Website


Driving Sales 101: 电子商务 搜索引擎优化 Best Practices for Your Website

There’s nothing wrong with paid traffic but if that is all you’re relying on, you are putting your business in a box and limiting its success. Compared to paid advertising, 搜索引擎优化, or 搜索 engine optimization, can generate more...

黑色星期五 & Cyber Monday Digital Marketing Checklist: Is Your 业务 Prepared?


黑色星期五 & Cyber Monday Digital Marketing Checklist: Is Your 业务 Prepared?

假期来临了, and 2022 has proven to be a year of opportunity and change, especially when you are getting ready for the biggest shopping days of the year: 黑色星期五 and Cyber Monday (BFCM). 有很多种方法可以做到...